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In the fall of 2019, I taught 6-10 years olds who were below grade level through LearningWorks After School (LWAS). Kristen's MECA cohort taught at various schools in Portland, Maine, over the course of six weeks followed by an art show.


At Rowe School, her lessons consisted of printmaking, portrait drawing, color theory, and character drawing. Within the lessons, students learned all eight of the Studio Habits of Mind: Develop Craft, Engage & Persist, Envision, Express, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore, and Understand Art Worlds. The art show, "Make. Art. Think." was a huge success. Not only were her students and their families assured to see it, but along with a classmate, she created a docent game for our students to play, and it caught on like wildfire. 



Building online lessons during the Coronavirus Pandemic. 

For more examples of other webpage lessons Kristen built, click on these links

Advanced Drawing and Painting - Warm & Cool Animal Portrait


Printmaking -Social Commentary 

Art II - Symbolic Eyes


PSL/STRIVE in South Portland, Maine, is facility for people with learning disabilities. As a visiting Art Enrichment Educator, Kristen inquired how her lessons could help with STRIVE's program. Settling on a curriculum that would help with independent life skills, she put together a lesson in expressing emotions through art and recognizing patterns in life. 

Her students created self-expressive art using their own silhouettes and paint. In the printmaking lesson, they mastered protocol and procedure, as well as collaboration in making a communal printed banner. 

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